My name is Nicole Gay- I am a 24 year old Christian, public school teacher, Army wife, and dog mom who lives in North Carolina.
I was raised in North Carolina by my mom and dad- they were high school sweethearts who got married and later both got saved by Jesus! I was their firstborn, and then my brother came along 4 years later. I was raised in a loving christian household where we went to church each week with my grandparents and cousins, I attended Bible School during the summers, and I knew who Jesus was but it wasn’t until I was 21 that I truly knew Jesus. I found Jesus in the midst of a breakup – that guy later became my husband…
I met my husband in high school. We started dating our Junior year and we dated for about 4 years before getting saved. Let’s just say those 4 years had many lows as we went through high school and college pursuing worldly things. My husband (boyfriend at the time) was a self-proclaimed atheist and I was absolutely avoiding God as I sat in the pew every Sunday with my family. Our relationship was doomed, and we broke up. During our breakup we had no communication, all ties were cut- and God did His thing. He worked things out according to His will -thank you Jesus! During our breakup we both got saved (not knowing the other had been saved too) and after starting our new walks with Jesus we starting talking again which led to us getting back together. We dated for a couple more years before getting married and we have now been married for over a year. Our marriage isn’t perfect but because of God it is a healthy, life filling love that is built to last and I thank God everyday for working things out the way He did and not the way I had wanted Him to years ago!
My husband, Devin, is in the Army and thankfully NC was our first duty station. This has allowed us to be close to our hometown, friends, and families- a great transition for our first move! He is my cool, calm, and collected rock and I am his hyperactive, overly talkative, anxious extrovert. Together we spend our days working out, reading our Bibles, playing with our puppies and watching tv together. Our two pups are Ellie and Hank. Ellie is a 1 year old Beagle mix and Hank is only a 3 month old German Shepherd mix. They are best friends that are full of non-stop energy, so they definitely keep us busy!
When I am not at home with Devin and the pups, I am a teacher! I got my Bachelor’s from UNC Charlotte in 2022 and started teaching first grade at a school in my hometown. My classroom quickly became my second home, my team worked extremely well together, I made lifelong friends with my coworkers, and I absolutely adored my students. My first school stole my heart and it was extremely hard to leave, but after two years the Army “called”. My husband and I moved 2 hours away from our families to start new jobs in a new town in our first home together. I decided that after teaching first grade for two years, it was time to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself so I accepted a job as a fourth grade English Language Arts and Social Studies teacher. I came into the school year a couple months late so I am still navigating a new school, team, grade level content, and the personalities of fourth graders! It’s been a whirlwind but I am trusting that God has me where He needs me. I am learning to lean on him to equip me because I feel unequipped 90% of the time. This is my 3rd year of teaching and needless to say it has had plenty of ups and downs and I am positive there will be many more to come but my goal is to keep my eyes focused on Him and His will for my life.
My life is not perfect or anything extravagant but it is filled with so many blessings from God. Each day I am learning more about Him and how to walk through life with Him. The Good News of Jesus has set my life on a completely different path; a path that has purpose, light, hope, and everlasting life which is why I wanted to start this blog. I want to share the Good News, what Christ is doing in my life, what I am learning about Him, and more. He’s just too good not to talk about… so here we are. Welcome to my blog! I hope that through this you see Jesus and whether you have accepted Him as your savior or not- I pray that maybe this blog will help you on your walk with Him, wherever you’re starting at.