Walking with Jesus at Work!

Being a teacher is not easy. Just like many other professions – it can test your patience, leave you feeling drained, hopeless, angry, etc. etc. I have been teaching for only three years and I have felt all of these things countless times, and I am sure you have as well. For instance, in my career certain student behaviors, such as being defiant, not following directions for the millionth time, being mean to one another, (and you get the point), can make me feel like my fuse is about to blow. Teachers put their all into lesson planning, instructing whole group/small group/interventions, supporting students social-emotional needs, answering nonstop questions daily, and at the end of the day all I want to do is decompress. It can drain you fast when you feel spread thin. Then, I feel hopeless because I don’t see immediate educational gains or improvement in behaviors and it just feels like I’m not doing something right. Then sometimes I’m just mad. Mad at the education system, mad at situations my students are in, mad that there’s not enough time in the day, and so on. So, it can feel like a lot to juggle, but when I stop trying to do it all on my own, let Jesus guide me, and fill in the gaps I miss- my career feels a lot less like this lingering weight on my shoulders and more like my mission work. So this is how I walk with Jesus in my profession (when I remind myself to chill out and let Him take over)… 

As a Christian in a public school it can feel scary to mention anything about God because “separation of church and state”, but my missionary work is my classroom and school. So how does that work? First things first, prayer. I have started to pray and rely more on God to help me every day at work. For instance, I pray for my students and the situations they’re in. I pray that when they see me they see Christ in me. I pray that He gives me patience, allowing me to be slow to speak and slow to anger. I pray for him to equip me in educating my students, and so on. Prayer is game changer. It doesn’t mean that everyday is perfect- but it does mean that everyday I am going into my classroom with my trust and reliance on God. If something falls through the cracks or doesn’t go well I know that He will fill in the gaps and He’ll handle what needs to be handled. He’s in control, not me- that’s a lot of stress to let go of each day. Days where I pray and give it to God leave me in a far better mindset and rhythm than days when I don’t. I have paused in the middle of lessons sometimes, taken a breather, and sent up a quick prayer because honestly it would be impossible to try and handle it all by ourselves. He helps restore peace in me in those moments to help me keep going even when it feels hopeless. Intentional prayer over your career and letting God fill in your gaps is vital to making sure your job doesn’t drain you or take over. 

On top of giving up the control and trusting God’s going to do His thing in my profession, I want to show others Christ. I want them to see Him by how I speak, act, and ultimately present myself. For example, I don’t want to blow my top at every student, I don’t want students to hear me speaking negatively about others to another teacher. I want them to see me being respectful, helpful, and loving to others. If you’re in the break room gossiping and cussing with other co-workers, that’s not going to show others Christ’s work in you. Trust me, I’ve been there. I still catch myself gossiping sometimes, but ultimately when Christ changes your life on the inside, the you that you present to the outside world should also change. So next time you’re talking with co-workers ask yourself if you would be saying these things to Christ himself if He was in the room (spoiler- He’s always around!). On top of how you speak and act, I want others in the school to see me dressed in an appropriate way that shows I am a child of God. I often wear christian shirts or jackets that allow me to show His words even if I can’t teach it. I also carry my Bible with me (I’m not teaching from it) and have it on my personal shelf or beside my laptop and if I need a quick moment before school starts or after school to get my heart right, His words are there for me. Plus the kids see it sitting and they are always so fascinated by it or want to show me there own Bibles or ask me questions. Again, you don’t have to preach God’s Word for it to be evident you are a Christ believer and follower. Little things like this in the workplace can demonstrate you are a Christian without you having to compromise legalities. 

Private prayer for your career and making sure your outward matches your inward change with Christ (such as how you speak, act, dress, etc.) is vital, but honestly the biggest way to show others Christ is to talk about Christ. Again, we’re not trying to get fired for preaching in the workplace, so how can you share the Good News? I personally started a Bible Study with my co-workers at my previous school. First things first, I checked with my principle to make sure I was okay to move forward with my idea. I was approved, so them I invited fellow teachers to meet before school hours to read/study/discuss God and the Bible. This was an optional meeting that didn’t occur during work hours. We met every other week before the bell and it was an amazing way to encourage one another before going back to our classrooms and starting our day. Anyone can start a Bible Study group, it’s a great way to build a Christ-focused community around you- especially in the workplace where we might need extra encouragement, prayers, and reminders throughout our day. Not only is this helpful for co-workers who already believe in God, but it also opens the doors and conversations for others who might not believe yet. It provides an opportunity for them to meet and know Christ, and that’s what its all about. In the Bible Study at my school we would read a chapter or two before our meeting, then at the meeting we would discuss the meaning, impact, takeaways, etc from our reading. Sometimes I would bring a topic or book of the Bible to dive into with pre-made points and scripture listed on Google Slides and we’d have discussions about it as a group. You could also get a Bible study book to work through as a group (there are tons out there). If you do start a Bible Study group, make sure you’re reaching out for others to join too- invite them in to hear the Good News!

Work can be draining- leaving us depleted everyday when we get home- that is not okay in my life. When I get home I want to have the energy and heart to be with my family. I don’t have kids yet but when I do, I want to be able to come home and give them the time and love they deserve. I can’t do that if work is consuming me. Your missionary work can be at your job but it also needs to be in your family as well. In order to do this I work to incorporate all the things mentioned previously as well as leaving work at work. Crazy concept, I know. Seriously though, many of us have jobs where you have a never ending to-do list that you bring home with you because there’s not enough time in the workday. Stop doing that. Yes your career and the work you do is important but life on Earth is but a vapor (check out Ecclesiastes). We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow and everything here is fleeting. While we are here on Earth though we are to live for Christ- not our boss. Work will be there for you to clock into tomorrow- but the time you get with your spouse, children, friends, and family after work is just as important. We should be putting our time and energy into them and their salvation as well- but we can’t do that if our job drained us already for the day. Everyone hears about a work-life balance, but actually implementing it is game-changer. Leave your laptop and papers at the office or classroom. Close the door and go home. Your family will thank you! 

Now I don’t have everything figured out. I’m only 24 years old and I’ve only been working in my profession for 3 years- but these are the things that have helped me so far in my walk with Jesus. It’s helped me keep my peace, show others Christ, and ensure I am giving my all to each part of my life- not just work. So I encourage you to pray about your career and see what God puts on your heart to implement. Maybe it’s something I’ve mentioned or maybe its something else- whatever it is- let God into your workplace and you’ll see Him do His work. 

One thought on “Walking with Jesus at Work!

  1. Oh Nicole I love this. I am so proud of you!! Love you!! ❤️ I can’t wait to read more. Thank you!!

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